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Constant temperature and humidity machine Model Description
Date:2015/06/30 Read:945

J - TH - 130 - 1 - B

J represents the first part of the new Czech Republic

The second part represents constant temperature and humidity TH, T represents high temperature, TOP indicates the level of a desktop unit, TOPH expressed as a desktop constant temperature and humidity

130 represents the third part of the inner tank volume

The fourth one is a large table, two small tables

A fifth part of the minimum temperature is 0 ℃, B is -20 ℃, C to -40 ℃, D is -70 ℃

(Floor model comes standard with a maximum temperature of 150 degrees, the highest temperature of 100 degrees Desktop)

Thermal shock machine Model Description:

J - TS - 80 - A - W

J represents the first part of the new Czech Republic

The second part of the TS expressed as a three-box type, TCT Mobile up and down

The third part 80 is expressed as in the tank volume

A fourth section is expressed as -40 ℃, B is -50 ℃, C to -60 ℃ (high temperature all 150 ℃)

Part V F is expressed as air-cooled, W is water cooled




Oven Model Description:

J - PHT - 200 - F

The first part of the new J is expressed as the Czech Republic

The second part of the PHT is precision, OHT general type, VT vacuum, VNT vacuum nitrogen

The third part 200 is expressed as the maximum temperature

Part IV F is expressed as fixed value controller, P is the Programmable Logic Controller

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