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Test Standard Thermal shock chamber temperature changes rapidly
Date:2015/06/30 Read:1025

Thermal shock chamber temperature changes rapidly test suitable for determining components, equipment or other items bearing capacity of the rapidly changing ambient temperature.

This test is severe temperature shock process for molten glass seal and similar samples.

The test samples were not invaded alternately in the two tanks, one tank at a low temperature liquid added, Ta; add another tank liquid at a high temperature, Tb.

1, the test equipment

Two tank, a low temperature, a high temperature, the test sample should not be able to easily and quickly convert invasion from one tank to another tank.

Low temperature cryogenic liquid within the tank in the relevant specification, Ta. If not specified in the relevant specification, the temperature was 0 ℃.

High temperature liquid temperature high temperature inside tank in the relevant specification, Tb. If not specified in the relevant specification, the temperature was 100 ℃.

Any time the tank structure should guarantee at low temperature did not rise above Ta 2K or decrease in temperature does not exceed Tb temperature 5K.

The liquid should be used on a sample of material producers and end uses coordination tests.

Thermal shock chamber at high temperature conversion rate will depend upon the severity of the liquid and the test given temperature range. In exceptional cases, the relevant specification shall prescribe the use of liquid.

2, severity

Time t2 and cycles of thermal shock chamber test severity levels from the bath temperature, the conversion of the composition between the two slots.

The relevant specification shall specify the parameters of the duration t1.

Unless otherwise specified in the relevant specification. Test cycle number 10.

3, test conditions

 After removing the packaging test sample test conditions.

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