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Test Standard Thermal shock chamber temperature changes rapidly 2015/06/30
Thermal shock chamber temperature changes rapidly test suitable for determining components, equipment or other items bearing capacity of the rapidly changing ambient temperature.This test is severe temperature shock process for molten glass seal and simil…  Detailed>>
Thermal Shock Chambers principle 2015/06/30
Hot and cold shock boxes known as high-temperature impact Box, thermal shock chambers, its biggest features is the temperature conversion time GB range is completed within 3-5 minutes, the device is how to do it in such a short time temperature convert it…  Detailed>>
Constant temperature and humidity machine Model Description 2015/06/30
J - TH - 130 - 1 - BJ represents the first part of the new Czech RepublicThe second part represents constant temperature and humidity TH, T represents high temperature, TOP indicates the level of a desktop unit, TOPH expressed as a desktop constant temper…  Detailed>>
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